#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <readline/readline.h> #include <readline/history.h> int main() { char* input, shell_prompt[100]; // Configure readline to auto-complete paths when the tab key is hit. rl_bind_key('\t', rl_complete); for(;;) { // Create prompt string from user name and current working directory. snprintf(shell_prompt, sizeof(shell_prompt), "%s:%s $ ", getenv("USER"), getcwd(NULL, 1024)); // Display prompt and read input (n.b. input must be freed after use)... input = readline(shell_prompt); // Check for EOF. if (!input) break; // Add input to history. add_history(input); // Do stuff... // Free input. free(input); } }g++ TestReadLine.cc -lreadline就能够了。